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(32 tracks, 2 discs, 80mins, 117Mbs)


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disc 1

  1. My Very First Laser Gun [ TH3HT ]
  2. 2 Happy 2 Dux [ talc ]
  3. Modular 69 [ Orgasmic Alliance ]
  4. Dakuhantu [ molto pene ]
  5. Du ckHunt [ Chozo Ninpo ]
  6. Dunk the Duck [ WillRock ]
  7. Acous-Duck Mu-suck [ Joseph Bell ]
  8. Goof Hunt [ Funky49 ]
  9. A Momentary Intercession... [ CotMM ]
  10. Duck Meatl [ Piglett ]
  11. DH [ jmr ]
  12. Duck Hunt Confession [ B-Type ]
  13. There Will Be No Pause [ T. S. Roflutionary ]
  14. Duck Devil [ zorkin ]
  15. Tales of Dog WTF??? [ Dogasample ]
  16. A Fowl Medley [ JH Sounds ]

disc 2

  1. Ronaldinho Duck Killer Quintet [ halp0 ]
  2. SAD DUCK [ Quartz Relic ]
  3. Code Behind the Code [ CotMM ]
  4. NadiePuedeHacerloMejor [ djquetzl ]
  5. A Subtle Dissection... [ CotMM vs injury ]
  6. Duck Trouble [ Projekt Zero and Chark ]
  7. Duckata in Fowl Minor [ A Bad Ass ]
  8. Donald Duck Hunt 2k3 [ Nykskryp ]
  9. It's a Duck Hunt [ Long Dao ]
  10. There's Dust in the Catridge! [ swordofdestiny ]
  11. Integral Anatidae [ Children of the Washing Machine ]
  12. Old School Shit [ Clah and Billcock ]
  13. Duckin' Hardk0re (fapmix) [ DJ Buttzlunar ]
  14. Terrahunt [ Me Fight Monster ]
  15. Thanks!