My idea was to compose background music for a small but thriving farming town on the sea.
The inhabitants are peaceful and hardworking, and the atmosphere is light. The town is one
the player comes across early in the game, and has been spared from the evil ravaging much
of the world.
I had some goals going into this and I think I failed at them for a couple of reasons. One
is I wasn't able to do one of the resolutions in the song in the way I had in mind when it
came time to put the song together. I had two parts written, but I wasn't sure how I was
going to transition between them until I sat down at my DAW to record. The resolution I
wanted to do for one part didn't lead into the other part of the song very well, so
instead I took the easy way out and just mashed the two parts of the song together. Oh
well. The other reason is I was specifically trying to write background music, and I think
that what I wrote calls attention to itself too much. It turns out background music is
hard. Who knew? Anyway, it was a fun and interesting experience, and I'm happy to have