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Special Thanks
For their time, talent, laughter, and financial sacrifices, I (zircon) would like to thank:
Goldin, David Lloyd, Ellen Ripley, V Remedyz and Cyan_Ide for their awesome logo art, Jimmy
Hinson, Steffan Andrews, our friends over at Registerfly.com, Ty Guenley, Shael Riley, VGMix 2.5,
Starwolf Ken, Lee Barber, Claire of E-Claire, Jeremy Waters, Dr. Robert Otnick, Shariq Ansari,
Douglas Arley*, Ryu Hayabusa, David Hsu, Leis Miller, Jack Thompson, Doug Perry, George
Stephanopolis, Larry Oji, Pai Mei, Jon Titterington, Alex Kidd, Haroon Piracha, Michael Boyd, Sam
Huse, Ray Szmanda, Waleed Hawatky, the original creators of Sonic the Hedgehog (who were ripped
off by Sega), Daniel Cabrera, Paula Schultz, John Basedow, and the game industry for whatever part
they may have played.
Craft services were generously provided by Jimmy Hinson�s mother. This site was developed by
This site is in no way affiliated with the restaurant chain Sonic™ or any other subsidiaries
of America�s Drive-In Brand Properties, LLC. All rights reserved by their respective owners.
*Rest in Peace, Doug. We miss you.